
This site has a review of the characters in the Thomas Harris novel Red Dragon. Since the first season of the TV series Hannibal is set four years before Red Dragon, this blog may contain SPOILERS for that show.

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Jimmy Price

Jimmy Price works in the Latent Prints section, he is very good at his job, but does less field work now: "He doesn't go out much anymore. He's working on the single-print index".

Crawford refers to him as a "Grouchy old bastard" and he is described as follows: "He was a frail old man and his humor had not been improved by a long taxi ride from the airport in the morning rush"  also he has a steady "mottled old hand" and "a bony shoulder".

Jimmy is a war veteran who lost his spleen in Burma in 1941. It is reasonable to assume that Jimmy wasn't a regular soldier since the Burma conflict really didn't see the American army until early 1942, so it's more likely he was a (pre-OSS) spy or intelligence officer of some kind.

Jimmy complains that he isn't paid enough traveling expenses: "Crawford rolled his eyes to the ceiling. "Gonna piss in my ear about the per diem, aren't you?"

He generally doesn't like to get suggestions about his work:"Ordinarily, Crawford would not have ventured a technical suggestion to Price, but he was floundering for anything. He expected a huffy reply, but the old man sounded rueful and sad."

 "HANNIBAL" (Four years before)
Jimmy Price will be played by Scott Thompson in Hannibal.

Beverly Katz

Beverly Katz works in the Hair and Fiber section, she is very good at her job, and seems to have a somewhat bantering relationship with Jack Crawford, when examining a note found in Hannibal Lecter's cell for hairs, she says to Crawford "See you later, Love your hair" since his hair has become disheveled from a helicopter trip.

"She cocked her head and looked at it with her bright robin's eye. 
Crawford could see her lips moving. He knew what she was saying. 
That's what she always said."

Jack Crawford says that she knows Mah-Jongg and says that "She's sharp".

She is a key part of investigations, and after examining the note found in Hannibal Lecter's cell she is able to make field recommendations: "The tears at the end of the pieces wandered off the perforations, if we find the roll in somebody's possession and he hasn't torn it again, we can get a definite match. I recommend issuing an advisory now, so the arresting officers will be sure to search for the roll."

Beverly lives with someone called Saul (the nature of their relationship is unspecified) who is going to cooking school, and Beverly invites Will Graham to come over and let Saul practice on him.

 "HANNIBAL" (Four years before)
Beverly Katz, a bright-eyed yet weary crime scene investigator who specializes in working with fibers. She's part of a team of three who piece evidence together. When she first encounters Will  Graham she confronts the criminal profiler about his unusual role with the FBI and flags the special treatment he receives. While the duo initially clashes, their relationship could potentially become a romantic one.

Willy Foster Graham

Willy Foster Graham is Will Graham's 11-year old stepson. Willy's father had been a baseball player, and a good one. He and Willy's mother (Molly) married in college. He died when Willy was six. Willy still watched baseball whenever he can.

"Say, I'm going in the kitchen for a minute. You want something, a Coke?" Willy liked to bring Graham things, but he always made it a casual adjunct to something he was going to do anyway. No special trip or anything."

"HANNIBAL" (Four years before)
In Season one of "Hannibal" Willy is 7 years old and his father died the previous year. Willy has not yet met Will Graham.

Will Graham met Willy's mother (Molly) a year after Hannibal very nearly killed him (this could be sometime in Season Two).

Jack Crawford

"Crawford, fisher of men, was watching his cork move against the current."

Jack Crawford is the agent-in-charge at the Behavioral Science Unit of the FBI, he visits Will Graham in his home and manipulates him into returning to the FBI to investigate the "Tooth Fairy" killings, and is happy with his successful manipulations: "Crawford was pleased. He kept the satisfaction out of his face with the same care he had used to choose the site of this conversation. He thought he had Graham. Let it cook."

Dr. Bloom describes him as having "an intelligence as cold as an X-ray table" and objects when Crawford suggests pushing the "Tooth Fairy" to suicide to close the case. Bloom also says he will only advise Crawford how to make the "Tooth Fairy" more angry with Will Graham if Will tells him directly that he agrees to that strategy, implying some degree distrust of Crawford.

When faced with a room full of police detectives who were worried that the FBI would take credit for their work, Crawford is able to mollify them with a quick speech: "Years ago there was a lot of rivalry about who got the collar. Each side, federal and local, held out on the other. It made a gap that crooks slipped through. That's not Bureau policy now, and it's not my policy. I don't give a damn who gets the collar." "If the man who did this is run over by a garbage truck, it would suit me just fine as long as it puts him off the street. I think you feel the same way"

He's happy to share equipment with the police, and offered to send a methane probe to Birmingham. And he is good at acknowledging when people do good work, such as when Jimmy Price found some latent fingerprints he says "Today, Jimmy my lad, nothing's too good for you".

He is very quick-thinking and highly skilled at organising people - when a note from the "Tooth Fairy" is found in Lecter's cell Crawford is able to get it examined and analysed by the Hair and Fiber section, the Latent Prints section, the Documents section, and the Scientific Analysis section in under an hour, and is able to make technical suggestions and offer advice to each section. At the same time he instructs Chilton how to fake a broken pipe and electrical short so that Lecter won't suspect his cell has been searched.

Ultimately all he cares about is getting the job done:
"Would it be better for the case to put Graham back on the street? Crawford couldn’t afford to let him burn himself out in here for nothing. But for something? Crawford’s excellent administrative instincts were not tempered by mercy. They told him to leave Graham alone."

He may have had a drinking problem: "Busywork's been a narcotic for me sometimes, especially after I quit the booze".

His office is spartan: "There was no window to look out of as he talked. He stood in front of the "Ten Most Wanted," Crawford's only wall decoration."

He is married and has a brother who has a cottage in Chesapeake Bay.

"Crawford eschewed most vegetables."

"HANNIBAL" (Four years before)
Jack Crawford is the agent-in-charge at the Behavioral Science Unit of the FBI, his job is to stop serial killers and he will do whatever is necessary to stop them.

Alan Bloom

"Graham liked Dr. Alan Bloom, a small round man with sad eyes, a good forensic psychiatrist - maybe the best. Graham appreciated the fact that Dr. Bloom had never displayed professional interest in him. That was not always the case with psychiatrists."

Bloom works at the Department of Psychiatry, University of Chicago and is a consultant to the FBI behavioral-science section. He doesn't typically meet with Jack Crawford and Will Graham until a serial killer appears to be active. He serves as a guest lecturer at the behavioral-science section of the FBI Quantico, and also serves as an examiner for Ph.D. candidates. He has known Dr. Chilton for years, and he unsuccessfully attempted to profile/understand Hannibal's pathology.

He won't use his training to encourage killers to commit suicide: "Suicide was Bloom’s mortal enemy" and doesn't even like the idea of causing hurt to serial killers: "Alan Bloom had found it difficult to scheme toward hurt".

Bloom is married, and during the "Tooth Fairy" case, he had a cholecystectomy (gall bladder removal).

His secretary's name is Linda King.

"HANNIBAL" (Four years before)
NOTE: For the TV series Bloom will change gender to female, and will be played by Caroline Dhavernas as Dr. Alana “Al” Bloom. She is a psychiatric protege of Hannibal Lecter’s who teaches psychology at Georgetown University and is consulting with the FBI on criminal profiling when she introduces her mentor to Jack Crawford.

Hannibal Lecter

"Dr. Lecter is not crazy, in any common way we think of being crazy. He did some hideous things because he enjoyed them. But he can function perfecfly when he wants to."

"They say he's a sociopath, because they don't know what else to call him. He has some of the characteristics of what they call a sociopath. He has no remorse or guilt at all. And he had the first and worst sign - sadism to animals as a child."

"But he doesn't have any of the other marks, he wasn't a drifter, he had no history of trouble with the law. He wasn't shallow and exploitive in small things, like most sociopaths are. He's not insensitive. They don't know what to call him. His electroencephalograms show some odd patterns, but they haven't been able to tell much from them."

"He's a monster. I think of him as one of those pitiful things that are born in hospitals from time to time. They feed it, and keep it warm, but they don't put it on the machines and it dies. Lecter is the same way in his head, but he looks normal and nobody could tell."

Eight years ago Hannibal Lecter was working as a an emergency room doctor and he treated a patient who five years later he killed in the style of an illustration which commonly appears in European surgical texts in the Middle Ages (The Wound Man). This was his sixth canonical victim and by this time Lecter was practicing psychiatry. Following this victim he committed his next three murders in nine days.

Will Graham was investigating some background information on the victims, and interviewed Lecter about his sixth victim. Graham described Lecter's office as:"a nice office. Antiques...some very old medical books on the shelf above his head."  Based on those medical books Graham identified Lecter as the murderer, and apprehended him, but not before Lecter stabbed him with a linoleum knife, and Graham shot him.

He is the author of article on surgical addiction in The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. Dr. Chilton says that "the medical journals still publish him, but it's just for the freak value of his byline". But he also recognises the standard of Lecter's work since he says Lecter has written "some brilliant pieces for The American Journal of Psychiatry and The General Archives."

"Dr. Lecter's eyes are maroon and they reflect the light redly in tiny points."

"He is a small, lithe man. Very neat."

"HANNIBAL" (Four years before)
Lecter is Forensic Psychiatrist who is also moonlighting as a killer.

Freddy Lounds

Freddy Lounds is good reporter - intelligent, brave, and a good eye for a story. He has great energy and patience. He is also obnoxious and therefore disliked by news executives, and has an inability to keep himself out of his stories.

"Lounds was lumpy and ugly and small. He had buck teeth and his rat eyes had the sheen of spit on asphalt."

He has been working for the past twelve years for a supermarket tabloid The National Tattler (this is based on statements in the novel that Lounds started working for the Tattler in 1969, and assuming the novel is set in 1981) and worked as a mainstream journalist for ten years previous to that until he realized that he wasn't getting the recognition or payment he felt he deserved.

Soon after Hannibal's attack on Will Graham, three years ago, Lounds photographed Graham while he was recovering in hospital: "Lounds had come into the hospital room while Graham was asleep. He flipped back the sheet and shot a picture of Graham's temporary colostomy. The paper ran it retouched with a black square covering Graham's groin. The caption said "Crazy Guts Cop.""
He wrote a paperback book on the Hannibal Lecter case.

He drives a Lincoln Versailles that smells of hair tonic and aftershave, socks and cigars.

"HANNIBAL" (Four years before)
In Season one of "Hannibal" Freddy has been working for the Tattler for eight years. He has not yet met Hannibal Lecter or Will Graham.

NOTE: For the TV series Lounds will change gender to female, and will be played by Lara Jean Chorostecki as Freddie Lounds. Freddie is said to be even more sophisticated in her manipulations her male counterpart, but she is no less daring, making her a foil for not only Will Graham, but Hannibal Lecter and Jack Crawford, as well.

Brian Zeller

Brian Zeller is the head of the Scientific Analysis Section of the FBI. Chief Brian Zeller was young for his job, but already his hair was thinning and he wore bifocals. On the shelf behind Zeller's desk Graham saw H. J. Walls's forensic science text, Tedeschi's great Forensic Medicine in three volumes, and an antique edition of Hopkins' The Wreck of the Deutschland."

Zeller is highly professional and takes his job very seriously, and can be insulted if people imply he is anything be professional. When discussing a report he wrote with Will Graham, he asks was there something incomplete about the report: "Zeller mouthed the word as if it had an unpleasant taste".

He has respect for field agents and the job they do: "Zeller believed that all field men retain the superstitions of the hunt. He was glad to humor Graham."

When Zeller is in a hurry his gabardine pants make a whistling sound that is well known to his staff.

"HANNIBAL" (Four years before)
In Season one of "Hannibal" Aaron Abrams will play Brian Zeller as a medical school graduate and tech geek who uses forensic evidence and clues from victims' corpses to determine how they died and who could be responsible. He's astounded by the absurdity of the serial killer's tactics and amazed with Will's insight into the killer's mind.

Will Graham

"Graham had been a poor child, following his father from the boatyards in Biloxi and Greenville to the lake boats on Erie. Always the new boy at school, always the stranger. He had a half-buried grudge against the rich."

Will Graham worked in the homicide division of the New Orleans police department, a post he left to attend graduate school in forensics at George Washington University. Following that started to work in the FBI crime laboratory and served as a "special investigator".

He wrote the standard monograph on determining time of death by insect activity.

"Graham has never been an FBI agent. Veteran observers attribute this to the Bureau's strict screening procedures, designed to detect instability."

Six years ago Graham shot and killed Garrett Jacob Hobbs, the "Minnesota Shrike," ending Hobbs's eight-month reign of terror in Minneapolis (this is based on statements in the novel that Hobbs was shot in 1975, and assuming the novel is set in 1981). Graham was admitted to the psychiatric wing of Bethesda Naval Hospital soon after suffering from depression. "Graham was withdrawn and refused to eat or speak during the first weeks of his stay."

Following this Graham was assigned teaching duties, but returned to field duties and three years ago he began to investigate a series of killings that would lead him to his first encounter with Dr. Hannibal Lecter. The sixth murder victim in a series of serial killings had scars from when he was bow hunting and stuck an arrow through his own leg five years previously. Dr. Lecter was on duty in the emergency room and treated him, Will interviewed Dr. Lecter, now practicing psychiatry, and observed some medical text books from the  Middle Ages on Dr. Lecter's bookshelves. Will realised that the position and wounds of the sixth victim were a close match to an illustration which commonly appears in European surgical texts in the Middle Ages (The Wound Man) and deduced that Dr. Lecter was the killer. Lecter stabbed him with a linoleum knife, but Will defended himself and managed to apprehend Lecter.

Following his recovery from the stabbing Will resigned from the FBI and found a job as a diesel mechanic in the boatyard at Marathon in the Florida Keys He slept in a trailer at the boatyard for about a year, then he met Molly Foster and moved into her house on Sugarloaf Key.

"Jack Crawford heard the rhythm and syntax of his own speech in Graham's voice. He had heard Graham do that before, with other people. Often in intense conversation Graham took on the other person's speech patterns. At first, Crawford had thought he was doing it deliberately, that it was a gimmick to get the back-and-forth rhythm going. Later Crawford realized that Graham did it involuntarily, that sometimes he tried to stop and couldn't."

"Graham had a lot of trouble with taste. Often his thoughts were not tasty. There were no effective partitions in his mind. What he saw and learned touched everything else he knew. Some of the combinations were hard to live with. But he could not anticipate them, could not block and repress. His learned values of decency and propriety tagged along, shocked at his associations, appalled at his dreams; sorry that in the bone arena of his skull there were no forts for what he loved. His associations came at the speed of light. His value judgments were at the pace of a responsive reading. They could never keep up and direct his thinking. He viewed his own mentality as grotesque but useful, like a chair made of antlers. There was nothing he could do about it." 

“What he has in addition is pure empathy and projection,” Dr. Bloom said. “He can assume your point of view, or mine – and maybe some other points of view that scare and sicken him. It’s an uncomfortable gift, Jack. Perception’s a tool that’s pointed on both ends.”

"HANNIBAL" (Four years before)
In Season one of "Hannibal" Will Graham is still recovering from the depression he suffered after the shooting of Garrett Jacob Hobbs, and he's teaching at Quantico, when he is approached by special agent Jack Crawford, of the behavioural science unit, about doing some field work.